Sunday, February 8, 2009

tell them justin sent you

didn't want to go,
to fucking goddamn semi.
i went anyway.

sent sean a message,
will he receive it in time?
barred by principal.

oh well, i can leave.
not so fast. i am ten bucks,
so they let me in.

trash trash trash trash trash,
and i got to talk to you,
but sean is cooler.

you were so pretty,
there is nothing in your head.
all eaten by drugs.

i kept hoping that,
sean would call, whisk me away,
but he was asleep.

then i lost my shoe.
it was quality and gold.
only had one shoe.

me, cinderella,
and you, a male lolita,
seducing my eyes.

sight, darts across dance,
i see you with skinny-girl,
like cassie, from skins.

i did not eat for
days, so i could be lovely,
oh well, oh well. oh.

they were all just junk.
i still don't know why i went,
you weren't what i thought.

fantasies are best
just left fantasies because
truth is trash as shit.

single heel of a trapped gold stiletto.
please, someone. save me.

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