Saturday, March 14, 2009


...and tonight was the first time i've seen a play since before i met sean.

Reflections on Last Year Part 2


Yeah, I miss this too.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reflections on Last Year

I miss this.


this boy is amazing.
(in case you didn't know already.)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Damage From Medication

While crossing the bridge over the river of light,
the sky tilted and lay crooked,
clouds painted diagonally with oils,
observed through the eye of a hawk
perched on a splintered telephone pole.
Nothing can bend those
heavenly spheres.
Sometimes the ground beneath my feet
reaches up to greet my face.


i arrange pillows next to me on the bed,
fitting the curves of my body,
so i can pretend i'm snuggled up with another human.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

for lack of anything better to say.

this is my cat mrs. esteban.

sean michael talks about his cat, so i figured i ought to mention mrs. esteban.
when we went to pick out a cat, we were looking specifically for the most violent cat we could find, because we had a mice problem when the cat next door moved away.
she kills things a lot. she is still a nice kitty though.
mrs. esteban is the only creature on the planet that actually loves me. it's nice to feel loved, even if it's just by a cat.
she only loves me because i feed her. sometimes, i wish people were the same way. if all you had to do with people was feed them and pet them and they would just love you for that, like a cat, i'd be set for life.

This is Why Everyone Hates Me Part 2

I still don't get it. But, you know, it's ok.

Monday, March 9, 2009

For the First Time in a While, Everything is Going To Be Alright


moon, look attractive.

it was beautiful.
i'm glad you took me there last night.

it was warm out, for once,
and the lights were
almost tangible
and even though it was raining,
the rain was nice.

we really could see everything from there,
and i didn't even mind
that you smelled like beer.

i've felt less depressed since then,
because i remembered
that there are still nice things
in the world.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

She Needs You To Show You Care

My sister called me in the middle of the night.
My mother is in the hospital.

do you remember this desolate, grey roadtrip? it was raining.

this was us
on march 8,
one year

i still like this picture.