Saturday, March 21, 2009


the songs i go to sleep to
on nights like these...

1. brand new – jesus christ
2. cursive – the recluse
3. the get up kids – i’ll catch you
4. mae – goodbye, goodnight
5. jets to brazil – sweet avenue
6. margot and the nuclear so & so’s – broad ripple is burning
7. sunny day real estate – rain song
8. elliot smith – twilight
9. the smiths – asleep
10. bright eyes – no lies, just love


Drinkin' a Bud, Watchin' a Bowl, Smokin' a J

He called the keys dangling from his belt
his "Jangly Friend." He said they kept
him company, and without them
he felt naked.
But now he has Her,
so he keeps his keys in his pocket.
I still wear my keys on my belt.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Salutation!

no more!


And you know what spring means.... SPRING FASHION!!!!
Hooray for that. Winter clothing has gotten quite drab.
Yes, yes, quite.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Energy, Confusion, Mirrored Distortion

I've been feeling a bit distracted lately.
What with all the excitement and all.
But a glance out my window reminds me,
and that thrilling pain returns.
To be human.

I'm feeling

The faces you give me at lunch
are like the pipers on the beach.
I fill my world with distractions, but spring
dear god
is almost here. It just makes it worse!!!

Excuse me, my syntax is faltering.

Caesar had to go to the vet. I feel bad betraying his trust,
luring him in with treats and sweet words.
He does not like going to the vet.

His paws left streaks of moisture on the counter when they pulled him back.

But it is nothing.
Snoopers is getting her leg amputated.

foreign graffiti

taken in montreal, paris, heidelberg, and köln(from top to bottom) in 2007-2009.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

coffee and pie, oh my? you didn't hear it from me.

okay, maybe i haven't mastered it, but i'd like to plea "competent"...

look at it closely, the detail is what makes it.
i was going to talk about how i can only fathom what a deaf cat's internal voice sounds like, but you get some shitty art instead. yay!

i do not eat sticks of butter whole, if you were wondering.

you should let me do your hair sometime.
i can make it just like the picture you showed me.

emily said four words I didn't know. tell me if they catch.

Being Alone in a Movie Theater is the Only Way to Cry, Apparently

A Conversation with My Sister:
Me: I'm going to go see Watchmen tonight.
Katie: Watch out for the giant blue penis.
Me: What did you say? My phone is all garbled, I thought you said "giant blue penis." lol.
Katie: I said, "Watch out for the giant blue penis."
Me: Oh, I see.

I saw it.
We were two alone in a theater.
But we weren't too alone.
I guess movies are not so popular at 10:00pm on a Tuesday.

Shoes on the rail with movie screen.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

the inside of my mind

looks exactly like this:
i don't know why.

anyway, i've been taking standardized tests everyday.
they are dull.

good thing i have sean michael at lunch
to keep me amused.
(despite the fact that i am the one usually pulling the antics,
sean michael can be quite entertaining as well.)

i like to look at life through a fisheye lens.

other people's misfortune always reminds me of you.

(i really ought to stop with
my formatting
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

School Is So Pointless Now

Monday, March 16, 2009

"I'm a Mess!"


September 2008

January 2009

March 2009

Your floor tantrums have increased in class in only 6 months.
I'm impressed.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

we don't need aeroplanes, cause we walk on clouds.

i feel nice today.

You're a Tiger!

You two make me so happy.

Making movies is like playing Dolls for grown-ups.