Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thank you, Brendon Small

My Irrational Fears From the Past Five Years:

1. Sleeping: I was afraid of dreaming, plus being unconscious. The idea of losing control of my mind was terrifying. I became so obsessed that I checked my watch every few minutes and I stopped going to sleep. This lasted a year.

2. I was convinced there was a corpse in the wall next to the bathtub. I was afraid that when I was taking a shower, the wall would collapse and the skeleton would fall on me.

3. I was afraid an asteroid would hit me while I slept. Another reason to not go to bed.

4. I was afraid the Limerick Power Plant would explode. I would stare northwest and wait for the plume.

5. I was terrified of being abducted by aliens "The Forgotten" style.

6. Death: it consumed my every thought and ruined Disney World. It was Kim Possible's fault.

But they were just distractions for my mind as my world fell apart around me. I couldn't deal with reality, so my fears manifested themselves in the absurd.

What finally broke me out of the cycle of terror was Home Movies. I literally owe my life to Brendon Small.

Now I have learned to cope with all this change and I fear things like spiders.

2005 - the year of obsessive paranoia

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