Monday, March 23, 2009

connate sapience.

"a true opportunist to grab any chances with her fast response and connate sapience. should not be too mean to create hurting feelings for people around."

personality traits in engrish, funded in part by china wok take-out calendars and contributions from viewers like you. thank you.

i still have photographs from that photoshoot to put up, but i'm too ill to get out of bed. tragic, i know. so in honor of spring, i've decided to post this ancient picture of myself, that looks like it was taken in spring, but was actually taken in autumn.


shut up, it makes sense. i have connate sapience.

i'm a little frightened of the length/natural texture of my hair in this photograph.

"HEY GUYS, I'M AN ARTIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

i can't tell if this post is more or less coherent than my usual bullshit. ho hum.

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