Monday, February 16, 2009

Useless Space

Jill, everything has turned to shit.
I might skip school tomorrow to mope. And if I feel up to it, I might lurk a bit.

Walking across my hardwood floors in bare feet reminds me of that night in Las Vegas.
Who wouldn't want to go to Venice? Apparently, I should be asking, who would?

Best Places in a House to Mope:

1. Guest Bedroom (no one ever goes in there, and no one comes to visit.)
2. Back Staircase (pretty much a useless space, only good for sneaking)
3. Hall Closet (dark, tight, safe)
4. Breakfast Nook (once breakfast is over and the sun has past, it truly is a somber place. Its time has ended. Its usefulness... gone with the morning light.)

From where I stand on this frozen hill, our city looks a woven gown, so innocent, so pure, so free of the endless suffering writhing in its twinkling lights.

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