Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Second Stamp of Child Ownership

"I want to show you my house.
The gate would not keep you out, nor would the flimsy locks on the doors, but you like most people who drive by have not entered it. So I have taken it upon myself to show you it wordwise, paperwise, maginationwise.
In the foyer is the telephone. It stands on a ceramic elephant, incessantly ringing. If it's nightime, you can see the art deco light there in the foyer too. On it are the silhouttes of a man and woman, tall, dancing. The globe itself is more like a diamond.
In 627, the rooms which concern you most are on the main floor. Among them you would have little difficulty finding the doll and the anthology of poems by Auden to know the room which is my room. It is big enough to sleep a friend or a brother, and there are enough things in it to hide from my work schedule and, when Nori is around, the Big Bad Wolf.
Today I strung up a crystal-gift on thread so that Tarik and Nori could see it spin. They asked several times if there was water inside and still remained unconvinced.
I was happy to have Tarik in my room, even for just a little while. Since my mother's visit last week he seems to have been more lenient on me, willing to separate me perhaps from Absence-of-Katie. Katie used to live in my room. Today he said "purple is for boys" and when I held up a sock for purple; he pointed to a stripe in the rug-mat and said, "no, that's purple." I'm glad he likes it.
Past my room is the wall painted rainbow and handprints and an open space where Tarik constructs things and Nori bounces on the horse often. There is also a telephone here but it does not ring ever.
On the table in the kitchen where I'm sitting is an apple with one bite in it. The second stamp of child ownership is it's position on the table, with a Minnie Mouse cup."


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