Thursday, May 28, 2009

Uncalled For, Really

So I was walking in the hall today, and I was stuck behind these two slow walkers. They were holding hands and totally ugly, and obviously a new couple. So then one of their friends passed and said "Aww so cute!," and I thought "That's not cute. Those two are so ugly and together they just make it worse." (Admittedly some ugly people are cute together, if they are those quiet homely kids who everyone ignores but then they realize they can totally go out and it's cute. Although that's what I thought about Will and Emily, but seeing him rub her back and them butting heads in french class is nauseating. At least Pat dressed up in a Romeo costume and serenaded her with song on Valentines day. He also dressed like a robot and a pirate once. Wait, why does Emily have so many boyfriends?) But these were those fat gross pig people who smoke and tell unfunny jokes and talk really loud and walk really slow but take up the entire hallway.
And no, I'm not just bitter that I'm not an ugly couple whose friends taunt me but I ignore them because I am happy.
No, not at all.

[insert bitch quote here such as "no one understands that it was promised I would be alone for the rest of my life". Fucking who gives a shit]

Remember that song "Girls and Boys" by Good Charlotte? They were a terrible band. But I remember sitting in my room when I was 11 listening to that song and thinking to myself "Girl's are bitches and guys are dicks. I'm staying single forever!"
Hey, shut the fuck up 11 year old me. You're right.

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