Wednesday, May 27, 2009

i secretly love these things.

select answers.

6. thing(s) you spend a lot of money on?
plane tickets.

9. one favorite song?
right now i love fall saddles by why?, egowar by ggd, and private affair by the virgins.
note: i fail at following directions.

13. favorite mall store:
“alpaca connection” for all of my llama related needs.

21. biggest lie you have ever heard:
"i had sex in the nurses’ office.”

23. where's your favorite place to eat with friends?
where i come from in africa, we don’t believe in eating with other people. they could steal your soul.

24. can you cook?
yes. very well.

28. most disliked foods:
olives, they induce vomiting on my part.

29. thing you like most about yourself:
i’m…okay at drawing.

30. thing you dislike most about yourself:

34. can you sing?
no, they let us into advanced choir based on our ability to make terrariums out of popsicle sticks and hair gel. it really has nothing to do with vocal ability. trust me on this one.

45. do you smoke?
i would like to pose this question to anonymous group of my peers, and see what they think.

47. who sleeps with you every night?:
besides that fur coat, a stuffed dog named doggo.

48. do long distance relationships work?:
well, i for one have had relationships that cross the barrier between universes. if that isn’t long-distance, i don’t know what is.

49. how many times have you been pulled over by the police?
once recently. by a vampire policeman who was going to rape me because i saw the lights of a crime scene investigation from far away at night and thought it was a rave.

50. pancakes or french toast?

51. do you like coffee?:
caramel macchiatos.

59. what are you wearing right now?:
panties. and this forest shirt.

60. pick a lyric, any lyric:
don't worry dear pamela, i'll do my scientific best to command your fleet.

61. what kind of jelly do you like on your pb & j?:
raspberry or blackberry. or other queer flavors.

64. favorite ice cream?:
i’m lactose intolerant.

65. do you like maps?
wait! they don’t love you i like i love you.

71. what time did you wake up this morning?:
5:55 apparently.

72. best thing about winter?:
black ice is very lulzy.

76. do you think pirates are cool or overrated?
real pirates are kind of cool actually. like the indonesian pirates who steal tvs off yachts. are you getting the same future-career vibes from this that i’m getting??!?

78. birthdate:
february 1 1892.

79. what do you want to be?:
a boy. or lucky.

94. what is your favorite name?
for a girl, co-cheese. for a boy, GLaDOS

105. what are you going to do after this survey?:
fuck myself. repeatedly.

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