Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Can't Get That Trumpet Out of My Head

I agree that our problems are the same, as I have written before. It is like what I said at lunch, the world seems to have an order when it comes to fucking me over (and everyone else I am assuming). I suppose it is fair that what I do to people every day (however unintentional) is now happening to me. How wonderfully tragic it is that everyone's problems would be solved save for one vital flaw. Everyone's happiness is so close, yet forever unattainable. I wish I could tell you how deep this irony goes, and maybe I will someday, when it has all passed and become an amusing memory. The world is so perfectly shitty that it almost makes me believe that there is something running all this. Almost.

Barbie Girl: A New Life

Barbie had just finished her breakfast of dry eggs and what appeared to be some sort of meat when Steve entered the room.
"The doctor said you were feeling better this morning, so I thought I would pop in."
"Yes, thank you...' Barbie's voice was still harsh and shaky, 'I'm able to eat solid foods, see?" She motioned to the empty plate on her lap.
Steve looked at the fragile frame that propped itself up against two pillows in that white room.
"Barbie...' he began with great effort, 'What happened to you?"
Barbie sat in silence.
"Can you call the nurse, I'm finished with my breakfast." She scraped the plate with her fork nervously.
"Listen... I know it's hard... those were dark times for us all... I can't even imagine... what it was..."
For the first time, Barbie looked up at Steve.
"I just think you should be ready for when you come out of here. The media is having a field day with this story... an international super model shows up after being lost for half a year in the jungle... people are in love with you. I just think you should be prepared with what happened."
"Where is Ken?"
"Oh, I'm not sure... Would you like to see him?"
"No... no, I don't think so. I don't think I'm ready yet."
"I see. Well, get some rest. Pretty soon you will be able to enter the world again."
Barbie looked once more at the blinds she had kept closed since she woke from unconsciousness.

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