Saturday, February 28, 2009

You're just giving up, aren't you? You need to struggle more.

Last night I couldn't sleep. I laid awake in my bed and looked out the window and watched for cars to drive by. When I was little I used to imagine what each of the people in the cars was doing driving at such a late hour. I usually figured they were returning from a trip to China.
But I got to thinking, I should be more relate-able. People just don't know how to talk to me... or what to talk to me about.
But I just don't do relate-able things. Like trudging through the woods and climbing the hill in the middle of the night, losing my senses and getting raped.
However, this blog's integrity is compromised.

I'm going to try and be more relate-able.

That's Caesar. He is my cat. He is pretty much my best friend. I took this picture 30 seconds ago with Photo Booth. It is hard to keep animals still for pictures.
Is that relate-able? People like cats... and macbooks.... right? RIGHT?

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