Wednesday, June 3, 2009

money counting.

i've been limping around dressed like a lunatic with crazy hair. this is okay though.
i'm being recommended for therapy based on my "extremely disturbing" report on the black dahlia. honestly, i'm not disturbed. it's not my fault if there's a length requirement of five pages, so i go into extreme detail as to how her body was cut up, just to fill up more space.
sitting at lunch today made me realize what next year is going to be like for me, and i can't decide if i care. i have a headache, and there's bruises on my knees.
i'm getting a little antsy because june 5 is rapidly approaching, and every year a piece of my soul is destroyed on june 5. and i sound like a fucking lunatic, but it's alright.
alright. alright.
my pokemon pillow case has "HO" written on it in purple sharpie, and i have no idea when that happened.
i'm coming to terms with the fact that i'm actually mentally ill. it's weird, because this brain is the only one i've ever known. it's normal for me. i'm sorry god.

kids are making fun of me in school again.

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