Tuesday, March 31, 2009

on mattresses.

i'm convinced that everything in life can be traced back to the fact that i have an uncomfortable mattress. i've had the same mattress my entire life.

i remember when i realized i had an uncomfortable mattress, it was when i was about thirteen, and boys suddenly took an interest in me, at least, enough of an interest that i could weasel my way into their hearts, houses, and beds. they all had such...cozy beds. my spine was pleased.

and there began my infatuation with comfortable mattresses.

i started gauging the quality of my travels, not by how much fun i had on the trip, but by how comfortable the mattress in the hotel was.

the best sleep i have ever had, was in the king sized bed at a crowne plaza.

the worst sleep i have ever had, is either trying to sleep on the drive back from Paris at 4 AM or, it was the time i was attacked by a horsefly in the middle of the night and i had to go sleep upside down in the car. and the only thing that could put me to sleep was efterklang.

i think i'd sooner fall in love with a mattress than a person. i could be sleeping with god himself, but it just wouldn't work out if his mattress was uncomfortable.

in fourth grade, we had to do this project where we had one million hypothetical dollars, and we had to search through the internet and magazines, and figure out what we could buy with one million dollars. we had to purchase a house, and furnish it entirely, with one million dollars.

well, this was back when i was still an overachiever, and guess what i put hours of research into?

the best kinds of mattresses.

i bought the cheapest i could of everything else (we had to furnish the ENTIRE house. who the fuck gives projects like that to nine-year-olds anyway?) so that i could put the largest portion of my money towards the mattresses. i remember advising the other students on the best mattresses to buy.

no one needs one million dollars to buy a mattress. even people who live under bridges have stained, waterlogged mattresses.

mattresses aren't even really that expensive in comparison to all the other things i own.

i usually get anything i ask for from my parents, because i don't ask for much. a macbook here, a $700 camera there...some venetian masks. a box of condoms.

really, i don't ask for much.

but i still haven't gotten a new mattress. i fantasize about moving into my own apartment, not because i want independence or anything...

i just fantasize about buying a comfortable mattress.

my room in the apartment in Montréal.
the mattress is surprisingly comfortable.

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