Field with Light


Literally minutes before the police came
So here's what happened:
About a week ago, Jill was staying at my house really late, because it was raining very hard outside, and Jill doesn't like to get wet. However, around 2am, the rain stopped, and we went outside. I looked down the street perpendicular to my street, and got a strange feeling. There were thick clouds rolling by in the distance, and a bright orange Light was reflecting off of the clouds. We decided at that late hour to try and find the Light. It was something I knew I needed to do. We wandered for about an hour, but did not find anything conclusive. I felt disillusioned, upon realizing I could not get to the Light I sought, and as Jill put it, "What do you really expect to find?" I did not know then, but I know now.
Then on Thursday, we decided to finally finish our quest for the Light. There were less clouds that night, so it was harder to see the Light we so desperately needed. We somehow found ourselves on a dark road, covered in trees and fog. We were surrounded by darkness, and the search felt hopeless. However, upon turning back, we say the Light shining brightly through the trees. We ran across the road and climbed through the gully and through a thicket of trees. We followed the dancing lightning bugs until we came out on the other side of the forest. I stood there, speechless. A soccer field stretched out before me, completely surrounded by trees, with a thick blanket of fog
laid perfectly across the grass. The orange Light shone blissfully in the sky. I felt an overwhelming elation, my heart so filled with joy, like my chest was filling up with hot bath water. I found myself watching through my own eyes the field passing beneath me, fog gently caressing my face. We were running and yelling and crying in that field in the middle of the night. We had crossed into the world that was
laid before us by the Light. But it's journey for us was just beginning. We left the soccer field and found ourselves looking down a hill covered in tall grass and wildflowers. Countless lights from fireflies flickered through the grasses, and guided us down the hill. Jill picked a bunch of wildflowers, and we danced together in the field under the shining Light. When we reached the bottom of the hill, we had lost sight of the Light. There was a dark
forest before us, and if we wanted to continue our journey, we had to pass through it. We wandered through the pitch blackness until finally we came out the other side, to the entrance of the train station, the origin of the Light. At this time, I wanted desperately to see a baseball field. That is what I wanted the Light to be: the Light from a distant baseball game that was going long into the night, where crowds of people cheered in the summer heat, with the sounds of crickets and cicadas. So we went to one of the sports facilities in our town, but alas, there was no game. There were nice Lights though. But when we were swinging on the swing, we saw a malignant Light. One that came from humans, police to be exact. We ran. We ran very far. I had lost Jill, I don't know where she went. Their strong lights swept across the fields as they chased me like a dog. I climbed a fence and fell over the side. I hit the ground hard and rolled under a bush as the light swept across the ground where I once was. I found a private road and ran as hard as I could, until I couldn't run any more. I was, of course, lost. I walked and walked, taking every street I came to, hoping it would be the one to take me home. I still didn't know about Jill, and my mind made me scared. Every car that drove by was the police coming to take me away. I wasn't thinking straight any more, I was tired, I was hurting, and the Light was gone. The Light, which I had admired so, had turned against me. But a call from Jill broke me out of my trance. She was
ok, she had hid in a trash can. "What an
amazing person." was the only thing I could think.
Eventually I heard jingling in the dark, and I ran to the sound. I hugged Jill.