"So you smoke? Cool, come smoke with us before school tomorrow."
"But I have first period... I couldn't be..."
"If you want that license agreement, you have to go see Mr.Razinki."
"Taminki's dad..? Where can I find him?"
"You can find him at his condo complex."
I walked into the condo building, it was shaped like a B, with two court yards in the center. Mr. Razinki was seated on his throne in the center, two naked bitches at his side. He was old, fat, and Indian.
"I'm going to need some pretzels."
"Of course."
"You better get on that, Razinki DOES NOT wait."
I rushed around, and burst through a closed door. Mr. Razinki was rolling around with one of his bitches on his dusty bed, and I screamed and slammed the door.
I ran wildly into the forest. Matt stood amongst the the slender trees, elevated above the crowd of people.
"Now you all must know, I brought you here to die. Yes, I will kill you all now. The only way to save yourself is if all players tap a forest."
Everyone did.
"You fools! You would kill a baobab just for the sake of YOUR life?"
"Is tapping killing the trees? really?"
"Of course, you are cutting them down for resources."
"I thought it was for mana, like gaining their life energy or some shit."
"For your human selfishness, you will all die by my hand! You could have escaped by just running away, and seeing if the wilderness would LET you live."
I ran up the high mountain, the snow now covered the trees. Finally at the top, the forest cleared and I was in a grassy field. I looked back to see if that shadowy figure had followed me, then continued up the mountain to the old house to call for help. However, the place was abandoned and falling apart. But just then, I heard his voice.
"Hey, here comes poodle kid!" They had found me after all.
I think I need to go buy a switchblade. Yea, there's a good reason.
"Son, for Mother's day, I think we need to go shopping for condoms. Oh my, there are many different flavors of these now. perhaps I can use them for dish washing, look! my hand fits right inside. How novel."
"I hear Jeffery got a crate of them for Christmas. Have you tried blowing them up?"
"Oh look at that! Just like a balloon animal! These things have SO many uses."
switch blade