Friday, June 26, 2009


i went to a show with my brother a few days ago, which was quite interesting. he apparently knows everyone in the world. or at least, more people than I do.

after the kids rushed the stage, one of them professed her undying love for my brother.

why does this sort of thing never happen to me?

but then, I absurdly ran into an old friend? who i hadn't seen in about six years. he's some kind of stoner now, with long hair, and flannel.

i remembered being locked in a closet with him once, and i had to quiz him on the spelling of male reproductive organs.

anyway, he invited me to some kind of party, or something like that, so we shall see how that works out.

in the meantime, my brother fought off his rabid fangirls.

Girl: "Oliver? Oh my god, it's Oliver! I had the biggest crush on you!"

Oliver: "Uh...who are you?"

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