Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Afterbirth

i come to you now in a perfect sense of mind! to tell you that um whoa my ears ware ringing like a boxer! but just its not the small things or the big icture, its not even the stuff in the middele, but just look at stuff like you are really looking at it and just know that everything is BEAUTIFUL! its so damn beatiful!!! the way ;ight shapes on macadem and just everything! it doesnt matter what people say , its the truth! and oh you should have seen the lights! BUT ok so like um i forget! but it was so clear before! it doesnt even matter what your hair looks like or all that other shit that is always there its all gone! just get rid of it pk>? ok? please just remember that eberything is beautiful no matter WHAT. and its so wonderful. and smiles are a plenty. wgatever i guess thats it thats the best i can do!!!!!!!!!!! just be g;ad i didnt call you hahahaha altyho!!! i bet its decent hour, right? all up in asia. i wont call yhough, time differences are shit and dumb. just go around at night i dont care why do they have to do all this dumb time shit? UNG. my moth astes pukey. FUUUKE
hfs ok whatever. now im home and thats trash. lets just leave it at that. i just wanted to tell you before it dgoes away that life is wonderful and looks at the pretty things because all that other stuff isnt real? ok????? all that stuff about beauty and whether they are happy is BULLSHIT!! just be happy!! ok!!! even if people think you are crazy be ghappy because life is beautiful and everything is beautiful!!! KK??!!!
people need all this stuff to be happy like money or love but NO its FALSE OK? just BE HAPPY! ou dont need anything! no supprot no love no recognition just BE HAPPY! no matter what! you are the only one in the i=universe do just behapy! its that way it was supposed to be!!! they get IT. la lal alala RAVE AND BASS AND PING PONG WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! but it was aoll everything t be halppy .UNG WHY IS KEYBOSRD SO HARD TO OPPERATE!! too many letters. lets have ONE LETTER. aaa a a a jaaaj1 jsvt whwta was one!!! ANDREW F------ SAUD GANG GANG DANCE WAS HORRIBLE LIVE!!! SAD!!!!! BOO HOO!!!! IM STILL GOING THOUGH. HE KNOCKED OVER THE AMERICAN FLAG OH SHIT NAWWW IN THE DINER HE DIDNT ORDER ANYTHING THOUGH. I THINK I HIT CAPS LOCK!!!!!!!!!!!! ok its gone. so yea. it was so much people. shit, why am i eriteing this. but i cant got to bed, what do it do>? i dot n know anything else!!!! FRAT HOUSES ARE STUNKY!!! can u imageing taking contacts out? yea i though t os. sucks!!!! i feel bad because everyone was ok fresh but im NOT>. whatever. ok now im sad. FUCK.
xxxoxoxoxoxoxo sean


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