"Drink more pledge! Hahah! Oh, I'm going to throw up."
"That is disgusting." I said as he hobbled towards me.
"What is?"
"You're fat."
"...What did you say??"
"Er, I mean, your fat is disgusting, I mean, no, um, fat people's puke is gross, I mean, you're gross, gah!" I tried to get it out, but I only stumbled over myself.
Suddenly I was against a wall, his fist hovering in front of my face.
"Are you saying my vomit is gross? JUST BECAUSE I'M FAT?"
"Well, no I mean, if you take two people, one being skinny and the other being, you know, of larger size, although I'm not saying you fit this category, this is purely hypothetical, but let's say these two eat the same amount, too much you see, and they both throw up, well, it's equally gross, it's the same thing really. But a larger person is going to have a larger stomach, so more vomit comes up, see? It's not that they are fat, it's just, well, there's more of a bad thing!"
"That is... such truth."
He let go of my shirt and I slipped back into the chaos of the party.
She stood in the middle of the bar, dressed in tribal robes and a shawl around her head. She held in each hand a long red string, with tiny golden bells attached every few inches. She swung these two strings around in large circles as her voice rose and her chilling wail filled the room. I was transfixed, but as she saw me, she began taking a step forward. Time moved slowly, my senses taking in every frame of time. As she glided past me out the door, she whispered,
"Sean, It's been such a long time.... hasn't it?"
And then she was gone.
Who was she? And how did she know my name?
But then I was alone in that room. A buzzing like the ambient white noise of an amplifier filled my ears. It hung in the air like a mist of electricity. I fell to the ground and yelled as loud as I could, but no one heard me. The sound ate my screams and soon faded away. I got up and brushed the dust off my clothes and went looking for you.
I continued to think about it as you babbled to me about your busy schedule and how you are not allowed to say "You made me jeez" in a school play. She and I had met in a dream before, I was meant to believe, one that I had forgotten.
Sometimes planes of existence cross.
And sometimes, TP pulls a sheet of fabric filled with thumb-tacks down on her face repeatedly.
(true story)

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