The world is a waste.
They called Her a "fuck up" because she smokes weed all day and dropped out of school. I think the rest of the world are the real fuck ups.
He said that leaving society to live alone in the woods was the most selfish thing someone could do. I think it is selfish of our society to expect us to serve a system that only satisfies the needs of the privileged, while exploiting and crushing everyone else.
As my ninth grade social studies teacher would say, "The best government is no government at all."
And as my Buddhist sensei would say, "Desire is the root of all suffering."
Desire for power, money, life, love.
Our society is based off of the gluttonous pursuit of these virtues.
So how is releasing desire to find clarity selfish?
How is She a fuck up for living her life how she sees best?
Forget prestige, honor, money, success, and privilege; I'm going off to live in the woods. Call me selfish all you want... I won't be there to hear you.
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