"So here is the room where you will be kept here, and where your punishment for being a dirty Jew will take place," he lisped.
He opened the door and they walked inside.
"Small isn't it? Yes, not very much room to move around in at all. Like, no closet space. And you know... the DRAPES DON'T MATCH THE BEDSPREAD!!!"
Cosssette pulled back in horror.
"Oh oh oh, but you don't WANT it to match the spread, oh no. You see this horribly tacky floral print we have on the drapes....? Well, like, the sheets are fuckin' EVEN WORSE!!!"
"The horror!"
"This is your punishment! You must stare at this gaudy and clashing interior decorating and there's nothing you can do about it!"
And then I woke up.
I don't know why I keep having dreams about a Jewish family and flamboyantly gay French Nazis.
I keep getting closer and closer.
Like a duck paddling to the moon's reflection.
I'll never get what I want.
When I was up at 3am, sleep failing me,
realizing my life was empty and meaningless,
Katy talked to me, drunk and fucked.
She was alone too.
And so I felt less alone.
Together, all of us, we are worthless.
How many times have I been alone with someone,
when they turn to me to say,
"Have you ever felt so... lost... so
that all you want to do is die?"
So many car rides, walks on the beach, talks under the stars
that all lead to the same question.
Does everyone feel this way?
I think we should all get together,
bake a big cake, a pink cake, with white frosting.
And we'll take it and ride the Carousel,
around and
around and

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