She heard footsteps to her right, and the sound of a door opening. A woman gasped, and hurried to another part of the room.
"Yes! She appears to be conscious!"
The nurse's face appeared in front of Barbie, and she asked her how she was feeling. Barbie opened her mouth, but only a harsh gurgle came out.
"It's normal for it to take some time for your bodily functions to come back... you were out a long time. Luckily one of your friends was here visiting just a few minutes ago, and he is on his way up now. We can talk more about your recovery after you have time to process this and talk with him."
The nurse left and Barbie continued her stare at the ceiling. Once more, she heard footsteps from the right. She labored and was able to turn her head slowly and with great care to see the man who walked into her room.
"Barbie..? It's me... Steve. The nurse told me you can't speak yet... and that you might not remember everything that happened. It's been nearly 11 months since the accident."
At once her memory was jarred back and everything flashed before her eyes in an instant. Steve. The Ruins. The Accident. Ken. The Jungle. The Fall. But what was she doing at a hospital? She was supposed to be dead.
"I found you washed up by the lake just a few miles from the dig site, 4 months after the crash... I thought you would be a corpse... but you were still alive. What happened to you? How were you alive after 4 months?"
Steve stood next to her in silence in the morning sun. Would she be able to tell him the truth? No, it would be better for her to live the lie.
"I suppose we will have plenty of time to talk once you are feeling better. I have to admit... I was really worried there. But there is some good news... we found Ken by the river and, well, he's alive, Barbie. Ken is alive."
À Suivre...

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